Last night, I went to the stake center to watch the broadcast. I sat with some of the sisters from my Spanish-speaking ward. I love the RS general presidency and like to hear them speak. I couldn't believe it when Sister Allred said that members from 5 countries got together for the first organized temple trip in Costa Rica and the area and they had to travel all the way to Mesa, Arizona. An amazing example of sacrifice! The spirit was very strong in our stake building when we sang Rejoice, The Lord is King. It was beautiful.
My favorite talk last night was by Elder Uchtdorf. He compared his cooking to his wife's and how his wife cooks very well, but always apologizes for something that isn't perfect to her. On the other hand, he can only cook fried eggs and toasted French bread (I'm not going to try to spell the real name), but he feels "heroic" when he cooks, even if the eggs are greasy or the toast is burned. He said that is an example of a difference between many men and women. Men are more often satisfied with their efforts, while women see only the flaws. (Anybody else notice that before? He he) He talked about the 2 principles to find a path to peace: 1) Creating (lives, art, food...) 2) Being compassionate. Here are a few of my favorite quotes from his talk.
"To me, it appears that our spendid sisters sometimes undervalue their abilities. They focus on what is lacking or imperfect rather than that which has been accomplished and who they really are."
"The more you trust and rely upon the Spirit, the greater your capacity to create."
"In the end, the number of prayers we say may contribute to our happiness, but the number of prayers we answer may be of even greater importance."
Isn't he great? I can't wait to hear him talk in general conference next week!
If you didn't get to see it, you can go to and click on LDS Church Broadcasts and you can view it there.
After the broadcast, our stake had homemade pies, but I didn't have any. Some sisters from the ward had already planned to go out to eat dinner together. We went to a Chinese restaurant. I took my camera to the meeting so I could get a photo at the restaurant, but we all went in someone else's van so I didn' t have my no photo. We each ordered something different and then all shared. I didn't have 2 of the dishes since they have shrimp and I am allergic, but the ones I had were good. It was a fun, uplifting night.