I like to listen to audiobooks, talks, or podcasts when I'm getting ready for the day and sometimes I can while I'm working too. I like to listen to BYU Devotionals, which have so many different topics. On October 6, the speaker was Candace Berrett. Her talk was entitled "Angels to Beckon Me."
You can watch the talk below or view the transcript of it at BYU Speeches.
One of the topics she spoke about was waiting, waiting for a desire to be fulfilled and prayers to be answered.
"Sometimes waiting is a mere nuisance. But other times, even when everything is going as it should, waiting is really hard. Several years ago I was visiting a friend. In the morning, she was trying to get her baby’s food ready. I watched the baby cry, oblivious to the fact that her mom was getting her exactly what she wanted and needed. Certainly, this is what a baby should be doing—crying to communicate her needs. However, I have thought of that moment several times since when I have been impatiently waiting. How often when I am waiting do I recognize or look for the pieces that are falling into place exactly as I need them to? Or how often am I unaware of others or my Heavenly Parents working on my behalf?"
I love the reminder to "look for the pieces that are falling into place exactly as I need them to" while waiting. I am definitely not where I want to be at this point in my life in several ways. I pray for guidance to get there, and in the meantime, I'm trying to learn all I can where I am. I can see how things can be used as stepping stones for my future. I'm sure that I am not aware of everything my Heavenly Parents are doing daily to bless my life now and set things up perfectly for what they have prepared for me later.
Candace also talks about, as evident by the talk's title, angels in our lives that are from the other side of the veil and those on earth who bless us.
"I have been intrigued by the story of the angel appearing to the wife of Manoah, more readily known as the mother of Samson. The story indicates two things for which Manoah and his wife were waiting, although they were likely waiting for more than these two things. First, they and the other Israelites had been under the rule of the Philistines for forty years. Second, Manoah and his wife had been unable to have children. An angel appeared to the woman and told her that the waiting was over—kind of. The angel told her that she would bear a son, “and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines.” I don’t know the exact timing, but it appears to have taken Samson at least twenty more years before he began to fight against the Philistines. Twenty more years of waiting in addition to the forty they had already waited is a rather long time in our relatively short earthly experience. Just as angels in the scriptures did not always end the waiting, mortal angels likely will also not bring an end to our waiting as soon as we would like. Instead, here, the angel offered hope and gave direction."
I'm so grateful for the angels at different points in my life who have offered me hope, given me a hand or love, and helped guide me to where I needed to go. Some are family. Some are friends. And some are just inspired people willing to listen to a prompting to help someone they barely knew. They didn't need to fix my trials to bless my life. I'm also grateful for the heavenly angels who I haven't seen, but who have helped me and been with me so I am never alone.
It is my goal to be that for more people even through the challenge in getting together with others right now. The Spirit can guide me to what others need that I can provide as I pray to find opportunities.