1 ¼ c. sugar, divided
1 c. flour
7 T. cocoa, divided
2 t. baking powder
¼ t. salt
1¼ c. hot water
(The closest thing to a palace I could find in my photos.)
This is the first year I’m participating in the Ultimate Blog Party hosted by 5 Minutes For Mom, but it’s not their first year doing it. There are tons of prizes being given away and you blog about it for a chance to win. There are lots of blogs listed and you can click over to visit them, leave comments and make new friends. So head over and join in. It ends on the 27th so don’t wait! You can also join in on the fun if you are on Facebook or Twitter even if you don’t have a blog.
There is a very long list of prizes and it’s hard to choose my favorites, but these are my top 3:
*Kitchen Aid Artisan Stand Mixer Provided by: Moms Who Think
*$100 gift card to HomeGoods Provided by: HG Openhouse
*Free Fotomural - Custom black and white photo tiled mural on card stock Provided by: Fotomural
Or my other choices would be:
USC 58, UCS 27, 14, 87, 88, 130, 125
It is hundreds of duck sauce packets attached to a canvas. Did you guess that? See it here? Cool, huh? Well, I thought so. It’s a pretty small exhibit and I don’t want to spoil it all for anyone who may get to see it. There are a couple of rooms with special exhibits which require electricity. That’s all I’ll say. I hope you go check it out. If you’d like to see more photos, you can go to the BYU MOA .
I’ll just show you one more photo from it. These balloons were all blown up when the exhibit first opened, but many of them are deflated. The kids really liked this one.
“…No misfortune is so bad that whining about it won't make it worse.”
Jeffrey R. Holland, “The Tongue of Angels,” Ensign, May 2007, 16–18
Combine flour, salt, baking powder and shortening; mix until shortening is blended. Add water; mix well. Turn dough out onto a lightly floured board; knead until smooth, about 2 minutes.
Roll dough into a ball; place into a plastic bag. Separate and roll out enough dough to make six 4- to 6-inch thin, flat rounds.
In a cast iron skillet, heat oil to 375°. Place rounds in oil; cook each side 20 to 30 seconds or until light golden brown. Drain on paper towel. Fill with prepared fillings as desired.
"In these defining moments, the crisis doesn't create one's character it reveals it." Lynn G. Robbins, "Tithing, a Commandment Even for the Destitute," Ensign, May 2005, 34
"Trust [the Lord], even when in eternal perspective it temporarily hurts very much. Have patience when you are asked to wait when you want immediate action. . . . The path you are to walk through life may be very different from others. You may not always know why He does what He does, but you can know that He is perfectly just and perfectly merciful."