Monday, December 14, 2020

Share You

No two people have the same talents, strengths, perspective, and experience. You are unique and that makes you special. Heavenly Father did not make us all with one cookie cutter and that is a beautiful thing. 

It's easy to compare ourselves and wish we were more like others for so many different reasons. But the world needs you and your vision and your gifts. You bring something to every situation that no one else can bring. 

Think of one of your good friends. She has wonderful qualities and you like spending time with her. She's talented and wonderful. But would you want all of your friends to be exactly like her all the time? No. So why is it so hard for many of us to accept that our uniqueness is beautiful and divine?

When I read the quote from Robert Besson, "Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen," I think of my photographs. Sometimes I take a picture of a fleeting moment, like a lamb jumping or a water droplet about to fall off a leaf. I may be the only person there to see it and I can capture that moment with a photograph and others can see it even though they weren't there.

Sometimes I am taking photos with my daughter. We are together in the same place, but we notice different things and see the same things in a different way. Our phots are rarely the same. One isn't right and the other wrong. So why do we feel that we aren't as good as someone else if we aren't the same or don't see things the same? 

My photo May 8 Utah Lake

Elisa's photo May 8 Utah Lake

I'm in a couple of different committees at work. It's interesting that no matter what the topic, there is always discussion with differing viewpoints because of distinct experience and knowledge, as well as opinions. I love to learn from all of these people. 

"Every son and every daughter of God has received some talent, and each will be held to strict account for the use or misuse to which it is put” (President Joseph F. SmithGospel Doctrine, 5th ed. [1939], 370). Your talent is yours to use in your unique way. That should be your joy as well as your responsibility. It is a gift to share with those around you to touch their lives.        

When I'm going through a hard time, I have family and friends who help me in different ways. One brings me dinner since she sees I am overwhelmed and busy. One lets me talk and just listens. One might rake my leaves because they don't know what to say, but sees it needs to be done. One gives me advice based on her experience and knowledge. I appreciate all of them and it is great that they are different.

Whether you use your vision on a big stage like being the CEO of a company or in politics or you use that vision in a smaller arena at home and close by, both are just as important. Heavenly Father placed you on earth now with a family different than any other with experiences different than any other and a personality different than any other.  It is not always easy, but that should be celebrated!    

Share your vision and talents with others in your own unique way and give thanks for the unique gifts of others around you! 


  1. Hi Valerie, You stopped by my blog and left and sweet comment about my gingerbread pillow...thank you! You are a no-reply blogger so I couldn't email you a thank you, but it did let me visit your cute blog.

    1. Carol, thanks for taking the time to comment. Have a Merry Christmas!
