I have done posts talking about Alexander and Sabrina, but I haven't written one about Elisa yet. She is a beautiful girl who loves to be silly and is very social. She is very creative and loves art and is also very smart and loves science.
She enjoys cooking with me and this year took an after-school cooking class where she made the peanut butter witch's toes & fingers and the peanut butter pie, as well as other yummy treats. She has a sweet tooth too. I can't imagine where she got that from. Ha!
She is a very kind sister (most of the time) and she really likes to take care of little kids, especially her cousins.
I love my oldest girl, my second child! It was worth a really icky 9 months to get her into our family.
She is a beautiful, smart girl. It's been fun getting to watch them all grow up (sadly from a distance mostly). She is such a wonderful girl.