I dreamt that I was in a hurry to take the kids somewhere and I was passing a man standing on the side of a hall close to an elevator where I was waiting to go down. The man held out a Book of Mormon and asked me if I’d like to read it. I tried to tell him that I was a member, but thanks so much and then I hurried with my children to the elevator. Then the next day (still in my dream), I was hurrying past the same place and the man was again standing there. He told me that he was done reading the book and I could have it. I thought, “Oh. He is probably a very zealous returned missionary. That’s so great that he is trying to teach others, but how do I get him to understand that I am a member and I have my own book.” I told him that I had a Book of Mormon since I was a member. Then he asked me, “But when was the last time you read it?” Then I hurried to the elevator again.
When I woke up, I just thought, “Interesting dream” and nothing more. But then I started thinking about it. I AM a member and I DO have a Book of Mormon, but when did I read it last all the way through or even study it on a daily basis? It feels like not long ago, but the last time I read it through was more than 4 years ago. That sounded like too long to me. So I decided I would study the Book of Mormon along with trying to follow Sunday school and Relief Society lessons.
I am not saying that I had a revelation or a vision. I really think it was my subconscious talking to me. I had already been thinking “I need to read it”, “I oughta read it”, but I didn’t commit to do it. I have now made reading and studying a part of my morning routine and have already learned so much, even though I have read it before. I seem to be asking different questions as I read than I did before. For example, I read 1 Nephi 19:16
Behold, I have graven thee upon the apalms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.

“We are engraved with the nails of crucifixion on the palms of his hands. Our walls—our defense, our safety, our welfare—are his continual concern.”
Hearken to the Truth and Give Heed, by Ted L. Gibbons
I’ve been thinking about this scripture (which is identical to Isaish 49:16) since I read that explanation. What a beautiful promise. Jesus really does remember each of us individually. He died for each of us, not just a huge mass of people. And He knows what is going on in our lives and cares. The more I read and learn, the more I feel the love and mercy of the Savior and of Heavenly Father. I am reassured that I am never alone. I am so glad I bugged myself in my sleep, along with several promptings from the Spirit, to do what I know I should be doing. What do you think our walls are? Any thoughts?
I love this post! Probably because that is one of my all time favorite scriptures! I think you could use it two ways. The first is the comforting way that you used it as in our welfare is His concern. The second is that the walls you build yourself are the only things stopping you from being close to Him. Also, I do think it is a wonderful idea to read the Book of Mormon concurrently along with any other scriptures you might be reading. It is amazing what you learn!
ReplyDeleteYes he certainly did die for us individually. I'm always a little offended when I hear someone say that He knows us by name. I want to say, Duh.... My dentist knows me by name. It's so much more than that. He knows us more than we know ourselves. And he loves us more than anyone else does. And he has given us scripture to help us, to guide us, to bring us back home to Him.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your dream.
I love that explanation for this scripture. Brady and I try to read the Book of Mormon everyday - but we are not very good on the weekends. I believe in "Scripture Power" and hate to send him out each day with out that extra power. We read the New Testament last year and didn't read the BofM with it. It felt weird - I didn't feel the power. Now I have to read the BofM every time I read other scriptures - I just feel more spiritual. I love the scriptures. One thing for me, is that I need to study them more. We just read and talk about it briefly before he is off to school. I know it is true!
ReplyDeleteI'm excited for your new calling. I love Primary - which you already know. Now you get to give sharing times - yeah! Lots of work - but lots of fun too.. Sing lots - that is the key.. Don't talk as much - sing more. I love this years program packet. It will make it much easier - and hopefully more spiritual. Good Luck!
I read your post a few days ago and have been thinking of it since.I love your dream. I realy do need to make sure I am reading the BOM more.