The Faith in God leaders (we don’t have cub scouts in our ward yet unfortunately) had a sick daughter so they couldn’t be there after all. So I lead two games and the primary prez lead another. Then right before they were going to have pizza and snacks I slipped out just in time for the END of Elisa’s parent meeting where she was. All except one of her friends are in young women now and that one friend wasn’t there so she was lonely in there. She can’t wait to join her friends in young women.
Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

(This will seem off topic, but it’s not…trust me.) I have heard before that a new bishop was sitting in front of his ward during his first Sacrament meeting. He looked around at all the families and thought, “There isn’t a single family here who has a big problem.” And he was relieved. Just a couple of months later, that same bishop was sitting up on the stand and looking around at his ward thought, “There isn’t a single family in this ward who DOESN’T have a big problem.”
Being a bishop’s wife, I don’t hear the worries, anguish, troubles, or sins of the people who go to Robin for help or guidance. I only know that he is gone at church or in members’ homes visiting with them. But he has sometimes come home and hugged me a bit tighter than usual. He has occasionally said, “Thank you for being such a virtuous woman.” Or other very similar comments. I can only imagine that there are sadly people who he has talked to who have been affected either by their own or someone else’s lack of virtue. Virtue is seen by the world as silly or even stupid. Our children and youth are pounded on every side with these messages if they are not very careful where they are, what they’re doing and where they look (and even too often when they are careful).
I’m so grateful for the young women’s program that Elisa will be entering this year and for the leaders who put so much time, love and energy into the girls. I was so glad to be able to go to New Beginnings last night. It was a busy ending to the day, but it kept me pondering.

It's a scary world we're raising our children in...kudos to you for the steps you're taking to raise yours with good values.
Btw, I read your post on Robin's photo. How cool is that?!
Wow you had a busy night Valerie.
ReplyDeleteI had seen the new Personal Progress books, which are so neat! BUT I did not know the new medallion had a ruby in it. I just love that - SO NEAT and I hope the girls really do not think it is ugly that would be so sad.
I love the YW program. I am a little sad my daughters are all through with YW's but glad that I still have some opportunities to visit with the YW in our ward.
My Eliza Just entered Young women's and then two Sundays ago I got called as YW secretary. We are in the progress of planning our new beginnings for Feb.(we are a little behind you) I am so excited about the new personal progress. Did you know you could get personal progress along with Elisa? There is a neat article about the program in the Jan New Era.Eliza and I are looking forward to working on ours togeather.
ReplyDeleteI can totally relate to the Bishop's wife part. Well and pretty much your whole post. I think often how interesting it will be for our 5 daughter's when they get older and will be faced with some intense choices to make in regards to being virtuous. Great post!
ReplyDeleteMy girls were so excited when the box of new Personal Progress books arrived at our house. We all sat down and looked through them reading all the new information about each symbol and the ruby. It was great!
ReplyDeleteI well remember the first time Mr. FR came home with this dazed, disgusted look on his face. All he said was "You know all those terrible things we don't want our children to hear, or we walk out of a movie for, I had to sit and listen to." It made me want, even more than before, to make our home a haven and refuge for him and our children.
It's so hard to believe that Elisa will be 12 this year! Good grief...where has the time gone?? It's so exciting getting to go to young women's. I'm glad she'll be with her friends again. So this is a new change from the changes they've made since I was in the second change? The medallion looks pretty to me and I love what the ruby stands for.
ReplyDeleteI love that virtue has been added to the YW values. I personally love the ruby. You are busy in the church and with your husband as the bishop, you're EXTRA busy! When my husband was bishop, he too would come home and thank me for being kind, or patient, or faithful.
ReplyDeleteMaria H. is in our ward. She said that it's time to come to the home ward now that her daughter is going to be baptized but she thinks the world of you and your husband!
I love the YW program - and miss working with them :( What a great reminder you've posted here. I didn't know that about the new medallion, but so true - and with so much in the world that these girls are exposed to - they need to be reminded of their worth! You continue to amaze me with all you do! What a woman of service you are!!
ReplyDeleteConnie, I'm so glad that Maria is in your ward! Glad to know she has great people surrounding her.